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Academic Music

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García | Padilla



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Garrido-Lecca | Soler | Padilla

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From Perú and Chile


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Homage to Celso Garrido-Lecca


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Third International Festival of Contemporary Classical Music in Lima

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Textures | Contemporary Trumpet from Perú

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Abraham Padilla Benavides | No molestar la temblorosa mariposa amarilla posada sobre una silla | Do not disturb the trembling yellow butterfly perched on a chair

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Abraham Padilla Benavides | Family Book | Piano solo 1

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Abraham Padilla Benavides | Incidentally Out There - Vol. 2 | Piano solo 2

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Young Chilean Composers



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Symphonic Band of the Peruvian Navy


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Partita Heroica | Pieces for solo violin

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Pop Music

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Rebeca Godoy | 25 years of love


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Christmas for everyone


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Voz Propia | I cannot go myself


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Incidentally out there - 1st Edition


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Incidentally out there - 2nd Edition


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Music for Social Campaings

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Violence has a thousand faces


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The Ones and the Others


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DVD & BluRay

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ASHANINKA, a Nation fighting for their Liberty


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Aita - Father | Bluray


Special Productions

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Special productions | Radio Programms

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