Espergesia - Abends | 2005
Composer: Abraham Padilla Benavides
Performer Josep-María Balanyà
Work based on the poem "Espergesia" by César Vallejo, from the collection of poems "Los Heraldos Negros" (Lima - 1918) and the painting "Feuer Abends" by Paul Klee, oil on cardboard (37 cm x 36 cm, Museum of Modern Art , New York, 1929)
Dedicated to my mother: NORMA
Recorded by Josep-María Balanyà in Spain
Mastered by Abraham Padilla at Global Artists Studio | Peru
1. Lento, pensativo - loco - (pensativo)
Hay un vacío
en mi aire metafísico
que nadie ha de palpar:
el claustro de un silencio
que habló a flor de fuego
There is a gap
in my metaphysical air
that no one should feel:
the cloister of a silence
who spoke on fire
2. Misterioso - delicado (dolce)
Todos saben que vivo,
que mastico... Y no saben
por qué en mi verso chirrían,
oscuro sinsabor de féretro,
luyidos vientos
desenroscados de la Esfinge
preguntona del Desierto
Everyone knows that I live,
I chew ... and they don't know
why in my verse they squeak,
dark coffin taste,
"luyidos" winds
unscrewed from the Sphinx
questioner from the Desert
3. Moderato - expresivo - pensativo
Todos saben... Y no saben
que la Luz es tísica,
y la Sombra gorda...
Y no saben que el Misterio sintetiza...
que él es la joroba
musical y triste que a distancia denuncia
el paso meridiano de las lindes a las lindes
Everyone knows ... and they don't know
that the Light is consumptive,
and the Shadow is Fat ...
And they do not know that the Mystery synthesizes ...
that he is the hump
musical and sad that he denounces from a distance
the meridian passage from the borders to the borders
Yo nací un día
que Dios estuvo enfermo,
I was born one day
that God was sick,